The State Council Information Office will hold a regular policy briefing of The State Council on April 11, 2024 (Thursday) at 3:00 PM. Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Shan Zhongde, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance, Hu Zijian, Director of the Urban Construction Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, Liu Hongsheng, Director of the Department of Standards and Technology Management of the General Administration of Market Regulation, introduced the action of Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones Relevant information of the plan, and answer reporters’ questions.
Shou Xiaoli, Deputy Director and Spokesperson of the Information Bureau of The State Council Information Office:
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the regular policy briefing of The State Council. Recently, the Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement has been publicly released. To help you better understand the relevant situation, today we are very pleased to invite Mr. Zhao Chenxin, Vice Director of the National Development and Reform Commission; Mr. Shan Zhongde, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology; Mr. Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance. Mr. Hu Zijian, Director of the Department of Urban Construction of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Mr. Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Liu Hongsheng, Director of the Department of Standards and Technology Management of the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, invited them to introduce the relevant information of the Action Plan and answer your questions.
Now, let’s first invite Mr. Zhao Chenxin to make an introduction.
Zhao Chenxin.png
Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:
Dear friends from the press, good afternoon. It gives me great pleasure to attend today’s regular policy briefing. In accordance with the moderator’s request, I would like to introduce to you the relevant situation of the Action Plan to promote large-scale equipment renewal and replace old consumer goods with new ones.
Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee with an eye to the overall situation of China’s high-quality development. This decision will strongly promote investment, promote consumption, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, which will benefit both the current and long-term. On March 1, Premier Li Qiang presided over an executive meeting of The State Council, deliberating and adopting an action plan for large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones. “Action Plan” has such a few characteristics, the following to introduce to you.
The first feature is profound. China is a big country in the preservation of machinery and equipment and durable consumer goods. According to the estimates of relevant institutions, the current net asset value of the whole society’s equipment stock is about 39.3 trillion yuan, of which the industrial equipment stock assets are about 28 trillion yuan. To give a few examples, the number of industrial robots in China accounts for 1/3 of the world, the installed capacity of new energy equipment such as wind power photovoltaic has been the world’s first for many years, the number of household appliances exceeds 3 billion units, and the number of cars exceeds 300 million, which are very large figures. Relevant institutions calculate that China’s annual equipment investment in key areas such as industry and agriculture needs to be updated at more than 5 trillion yuan, and the demand for the replacement of automobiles and home appliances is also at more than one trillion yuan. Therefore, the market space for large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in is very huge. As I just said, this policy will not only boost consumption, stimulate investment, and effectively enhance economic vitality, but also increase advanced production capacity, promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, reduce security risks, and achieve high-quality development. This policy not only benefits enterprises and the people, but also brings development opportunities for enterprises and meets the growing needs of the people for a better life.
The second feature is that the programme mandate is very clear. The “action plan” proposes to implement the “four major actions” of equipment renewal, consumer goods for new, recycling and recycling, and standards improvement, and each action direction is very clear and the focus is also very prominent. The equipment renewal action takes energy conservation, carbon reduction and digital transformation as an important direction, and promotes the upgrading of equipment in seven fields: industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, cultural tourism and medical care. The trade-in campaign focuses on durable consumer goods such as automobiles, household appliances, and home furnishing, so that more high-quality consumer goods can enter people’s lives in this way. The recycling action is to implement a comprehensive saving strategy, improve the recycling system, and improve the level of recycling. There is a final action – the standard improvement action, is to benchmark the international advanced level, speed up the improvement of energy conservation, carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety, recycling and other standards.
The third characteristic is clarity of purpose. On the basis of careful mapping and calculation, the Action Plan proposes some specific targets by 2027. In terms of equipment renewal, in the seven areas I just mentioned, the scale of equipment investment should increase by more than 25% over 2023, and the energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment in key industries should basically reach the level of energy conservation. In terms of trade-in and recycling, the proposed goal is to roughly double the recycling volume of scrapped cars compared with 2023, the transaction volume of used cars will increase by 45% compared with 2023, and the recycling volume of used appliances will increase by about 30% compared with 2023.
The fourth feature is that the approach is very pragmatic. The Action Plan clarifies some specific measures to strengthen policy support from five aspects: increasing financial support, improving tax support, optimizing financial support, strengthening factor guarantee, and strengthening innovation support. For example, the central finance should set up special funds to support the recycling and treatment of waste electrical and electronic products, and the director General of Jinling will be more detailed in a moment. For example, when resource recycling enterprises recycle scrap products from natural persons, the practice of “reverse billing” of these enterprises to natural person sellers is promoted. It is believed that these policies and measures will effectively ensure the implementation of the goals and tasks of the Action Plan.
These are the four features that I will use to introduce the core content of the Action Plan. I will briefly introduce them first. Later, together with my colleagues from various ministries and commissions, I am willing to answer your questions.
Shou Xiaoli:
Thank you, Deputy Director Zhao Chenxin, for your introduction. Now let’s go to the question session, please inform your news organization before asking questions, please raise your hands to ask questions.
21st Century Business Herald.png
21st Century Business Herald:
In recent years, the scale of equipment investment in the national industrial field accounts for a large proportion of the overall scale of equipment investment. What specific measures will be taken next to promote large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial field? thank you.
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Shan Zhongde, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:
Thank you for your question. Dear leaders, friends from the press, comrades, good morning. Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee and The State Council focusing on the overall situation of high-quality development. Promoting equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial field is conducive to expanding effective investment and increasing the proportion of advanced production capacity, which will benefit both the current and long-term. In 2023, the scale of equipment investment in the national industrial field reached 4.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.7%, accounting for more than 70% of the whole society’s equipment investment, and there is a large space for equipment renewal and full potential.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology earnestly implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, and jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Field” with six departments. We will focus on promoting new industrialization, take large-scale equipment upgrading as the starting point, implement manufacturing technology transformation and upgrading projects, focus on digital transformation and green upgrading, adhere to market-oriented promotion, standardization leadership, software and hardware integration update, and promote high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing. By 2027, we will strive to achieve an increase of more than 25% in the scale of equipment investment in the industrial field compared with 2023.
In the next step, we will focus on key industries such as petrochemicals, steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, automobiles, light industry, textiles, and electronics, and carry out four major actions to update advanced equipment, digital transformation, promote green equipment, and improve safety levels, and comprehensively promote equipment update and technological transformation. First, we will update advanced equipment. We will accelerate the replacement of outdated and inefficient equipment such as machine tools that have been in service for more than 10 years in the industrial, agricultural and construction machinery industries. For aviation, photovoltaic, power battery and other industries, to the international advanced level, update a number of high-tech, high efficiency, high reliability of advanced equipment; A number of test and inspection equipment will be updated and upgraded around weak links such as research and development design, pilot test verification, inspection and testing. Second, implement digital transformation actions. We will promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment such as industrial robots and intelligent logistics, and build a number of smart factories. We will strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure, and accelerate the large-scale deployment of industrial Internet, gigabit optical networks, and computing power centers. Third, we will promote green equipment. We will promote key energy-using industries and sectors such as petrochemicals, steel, nonferrous metals, and building materials, and promote the use of green equipment for energy conservation, water conservation, and environmental protection. Promote the upgrading of key energy-using equipment such as motors, transformers, boilers and pumps; Industrial solid waste treatment equipment and facilities will be upgraded. Fourth, we will take actions to raise the level of safety in nature. Promote the application of a number of advanced applicable safety equipment, accelerate the comprehensive technical transformation of old petrochemical and chemical equipment, promote the “mechanical replacement, automatic reduction, robot replacement” in the civil explosive industry, and strengthen the upgrading and configuration of equipment in the field of safety emergency and fire protection.
At the same time, we will work with relevant departments to implement central investment, tax incentives, special re-lending and other support policies, increase fiscal, tax and financial support, strengthen standard guidance, strengthen factor guarantee, and establish a collaborative working mechanism, accelerate the implementation of industrial equipment upgrading, and promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. It will provide a solid foundation for accelerating new industrialization, developing new quality productivity, promoting the industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and building a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing.
That’s all I’ll answer. Thank you!
People’s Daily.png
People’s Daily:
How can the government better play its role in promoting the upgrading of equipment and consumer goods? How will the National Development and Reform Commission carry out this work? thank you.
Zhao Chenxin:
Thank you for your question. That’s a very good question. It is true that the Action Plan covers a wide range of areas, covering all aspects and links of economic and social development. We believe that the decisive role of the market in resource allocation should be fully brought into play, while the role of the government should also be better played and a combination of policies should be implemented. It can be said that in accordance with the requirements of The State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission is working with relevant parties to assign responsibilities and actively promote this work. In fact, a lot of work has been carried out in a strong and orderly way, and many localities and enterprises have also moved, and we believe that this work will achieve greater and greater results. Here I would like to introduce the relevant situation to you.
First, a working mechanism has been established. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, will establish a working mechanism to promote large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, strengthen overall coordination, do a good job of coordination between departments, and strengthen the linkage between central and local governments to form a strong force to promote work. The first working mechanism promotion meeting was chaired by Director Zheng Zhajie a few days ago, and this meeting deployed and promoted relevant work.
Second, we will introduce specific implementation plans. This work has deployed the “1+N” policy system, “1” is the “action plan” just mentioned, the “action plan” has been reviewed and approved by the executive meeting of The State Council chaired by Premier Li Qiang on March 1, officially issued on March 7, has been open to the public. “N” is the specific implementation plan in various fields, at present, the standard improvement action plan led by the General Administration of Market Supervision has been introduced, the industrial field equipment update document led by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been officially launched, the construction and municipal field equipment update implementation plan led by the Ministry of Housing has also been issued and implemented, and the consumer goods trade-in document led by the Ministry of Commerce has been printed. It could be official in the next few days. In addition to these several, there are key industry energy saving and carbon reduction action plans, as well as transportation, education, cultural tourism, medical and other areas of the implementation plan, the leading units are the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Health and Health Commission, these documents are also in the process of development and issuance, will soon meet with you, the key tasks will be further detailed and clear.
Third, we will increase policy support. Various types of funds such as central investment will be arranged to support eligible equipment renewal and recycling projects. We will encourage local governments where conditions permit to increase investment in light of actual conditions, implement preferential tax policies for energy conservation and water saving, and improve financial support such as re-lending.
Fourth, we need to create a sound environment. We will adhere to energy saving, carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety, recycling and other standards, with these standards to promote the orderly implementation of standards, strengthen law enforcement and supervision, so as to eliminate key equipment overdue service, do not meet the energy efficiency and safety requirements of service behavior, ensure product quality and safety, and create a fair and orderly market environment.
In short, all departments will play their due roles to promote the better implementation of this policy. That’s all. Thank you.
Bloomberg News.png
Bloomberg News:
We have two questions. First, how much budget will be allocated this year to support large-scale equipment replacement and consumer goods replacement? Second, how much is expected to be the annual contribution of large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer goods to GDP growth? thank you.
Zhao Chenxin:
Thank you Bloomberg for asking, that’s a good question. We also know that all sectors of society are very concerned about how much money governments at all levels can spend on this policy. Of course, we have also done some understanding of the communication, we know that the focus of many enterprises is not exactly the same, some time ago, the National Development and Reform Commission Zheng Hajie director held a special meeting of private enterprises in the field of consumer goods to exchange old for new, at the meeting, there are several large enterprises reflect, more concerned about being able to introduce some mandatory standards, Perhaps these standards will have a greater effect on the implementation of this policy. Of course, funding is an issue of great concern to all of us. I can take this opportunity to tell you very clearly that as we will see in the course of policy implementation, there will certainly be financial support from central investment and central financial funds for the large-scale upgrading of equipment and the replacement of consumer goods with old ones, and the support will be strong. At the same time, we also understand that the current local governments are also seriously studying, in light of the actual situation of their own financial resources, to provide certain funds to support.
In addition, you are also concerned about the contribution of policy implementation to GDP growth. As I said in my opening remarks, relevant organizations have calculated that the annual demand for equipment renewal in key areas such as industry and agriculture is more than 5 trillion yuan, and the demand for the replacement of automobiles and home appliances is also more than one trillion yuan, plus recycling. This market space is very huge, and its contribution to economic growth is self-evident. Of course, we introduced this policy, more important is that this policy can not only promote consumption, stimulate investment, but also promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, reduce security risks, promote the transformation and upgrading of economic and social development, so as to promote high-quality development. What we value most is to promote high-quality development to meet the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life. thank you.
CNBC reporter:

May I ask what are the main products involved in promoting the trade-in of old consumer goods? What are the main differences between the new products and the old ones? thank you.
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Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion, Ministry of Commerce:
I will answer that question. Thank you for your question. The replacement of old consumer goods with new ones involves thousands of households and a better quality of life. Just now, Director Zhao Chenxin has introduced to you that The State Council has issued the Action Plan for promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones. The action plan has already defined the major categories, that is, consumer goods such as automobiles, household appliances and home improvement kitchen and bathroom. Automobile categories mainly support the purchase of energy-saving vehicles and new energy vehicles; Home appliance category, according to the introduction of the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, divided into electrical products and consumer electronics products two categories, especially now many intelligent products increasingly into people’s homes, home appliances cover more and more product categories, according to the local situation of different home appliances to replace the old to new support; Home improvement kitchen, family life, the scope of coverage is relatively clear.
When it comes to the difference between new and old products, in terms of automobiles, we encourage the old cars with high energy consumption, high emissions, long service life and safety risks to be replaced by new energy vehicles or energy-saving vehicles. In terms of home appliances, some home appliances have high water consumption and high energy consumption, and with the longer service life, there are also problems such as aging accessories and safety risks, and we advocate replacing these with low energy consumption and low water consumption products. Home improvement kitchen and bathroom, encourage more use of green, low-carbon products. In short, on the basis of respecting the wishes of consumers, we encourage the replacement of smart, green and low-carbon consumer goods. thank you.
Southern Daily News.png
Nanfang Daily Nanfang + Reporter:
For enterprises, large-scale equipment renewal inevitably requires a large amount of capital investment. May I ask, what financial support does China have in promoting equipment renewal? thank you.
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Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance:
Thank you for your question. As for the funding, Director Chen Xin has just introduced the relevant situation. As you said, large-scale equipment renewal is a complex systematic project, which not only fully mobilizes the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of enterprises, but also provides necessary incentives and guidance to promote the scale effect of equipment renewal. The central finance will strengthen guidance from four aspects, that is, to play a “combination” of policies in four aspects.
First, we will strengthen coordination of funding policies. We will increase support and continue to implement the subsidy policy for scrap and renewal of agricultural machinery. Coordinate the relevant funding channels to support the renewal of high-emission old operating diesel trucks and old operating ships. We encourage qualified localities to make good use of the central financial urban transportation development incentive funds, and coordinate the promotion of new energy buses and battery updates. For eligible equipment renewal and recycling projects supported by funds such as investment within the central budget, the Ministry of Finance will work with the National Development and Reform Commission to implement them.
Second, we will improve tax support policies. We will increase preferential tax support for special equipment for energy conservation, water conservation, environmental protection, and production safety, and bring digital and intelligent transformation into the scope of preferential treatment.
Third, we will improve government green procurement policies. To study and formulate government procurement support policies for green products, and increase government green procurement efforts; We will expand the scope of government procurement to support green building materials and promote the improvement of construction quality, and accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of industries.
Fourth, we will strengthen the linkage of fiscal and financial policies. Additional funds will be allocated to support the implementation of a new round of discount loan policies, in conjunction with the relevant re-lending policies of the People’s Bank of China, and financial institutions will be guided to increase loans for equipment renewal and technological transformation of enterprises in key areas.
The above policies have both institutional arrangements and phased measures, which are conducive to stimulating the internal driving force of enterprise upgrading and promoting economic transformation and upgrading. In the next step, the Ministry of Finance will work with relevant departments to introduce fiscal and tax policies and measures in a timely manner to promote the orderly development of large-scale equipment renewal. thank you.
China News Service.png
China News Service:
We know that the construction and municipal sector is one of the important areas identified in this Action Plan. What are the key tasks for upgrading construction and municipal infrastructure equipment? What will be the next step? thank you.
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Hu Zijian, Director of the Department of Urban Construction, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development:
Thank you for your question. The upgrading of construction and municipal infrastructure and equipment has great investment potential and strong driving capacity. It is an important focus for expanding domestic demand, improving people’s livelihood and maintaining steady growth. It is of great significance for making the domestic circulation more smooth, meeting people’s needs for high-quality life, and promoting high-quality urban development.
The Ministry earnestly implements the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, puts forward supporting policies and measures for the implementation of the “Action Plan”, and focuses on updating and transforming equipment that has prominent security risks, backward technology, and does not meet relevant standards and specifications. There are 10 key tasks, specifically: the renewal of old residential elevators, the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings, the renovation of water supply, heating, sewage treatment, sanitation and building construction equipment, the renovation of building energy conservation and liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, and the construction of urban lifeline projects.
In order to ensure the implementation of the above tasks, my department will focus on the following four aspects of work:
First, we will improve supporting policies. On the basis of the “Implementation Plan”, we will accelerate the introduction of work rules such as classified operation guidelines, improve the urban water supply, gas supply, heating, sewage and other 10 standards and norms, and form a package of policies and measures.
Second, we will strengthen work guidance. Guide all localities to refine goals and tasks in light of actual conditions, determine renovation projects in a scientific and reasonable way, implement projects well, and make full use of relevant supporting policies.
Third, we will improve the funding mechanism. For the renewal and installation of residential elevators, guide local governments to explore the establishment of a reasonable fund sharing mechanism; For the renewal of public welfare and quasi-public welfare municipal infrastructure equipment, we will work with relevant departments to explore ways to raise funds widely by increasing government input and expanding investment and financing channels in accordance with laws and regulations.
Fourth, continuous tracking and questioning. Cooperate with relevant departments to implement list management of renovation projects, strengthen supervision, evaluation and tracking analysis, timely find and correct existing problems, summarize and promote typical experience practices to ensure effectiveness. thank you.
China Media Group CCTV.png
CCTV, China Media Group:
At present, the digital transformation heat of China’s manufacturing industry continues to rise, may I ask what considerations the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has in promoting the update of digital intelligent equipment and technological transformation? thank you.
Shan Zhongde:
Thank you for your question. Promoting the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is an inevitable requirement for promoting new industrialization and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing, and it is also an urgent need to adapt to leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, and will take large-scale equipment updating as the starting point to promote digital transformation through the integration of “point, line and surface”. The “point” is to create a digital, intelligent transformation benchmark, including a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, the “line” is to promote the digital collaborative transformation of the key industrial chain, the “surface” is to promote the digital upgrading of key industrial clusters and key parks, and accelerate the high-end, intelligent, and green development of manufacturing. By 2027, the penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools for industrial enterprises above designated size will reach more than 90%, and the numerical control rate of key processes will reach more than 75%, especially to promote the full coverage of digital transformation of industrial enterprises in large industrial provinces and cities and key parks. There are three main areas of focus:
First, we will promote the application of a number of intelligent manufacturing equipment. The industrial scale of China’s intelligent manufacturing equipment has reached more than 3.2 trillion yuan, and the density of manufacturing robots has reached 392 units per 10,000 workers. In the next step, we should accelerate the popularization and upgrading of intelligent manufacturing equipment, promote the application of general intelligent manufacturing equipment such as CNC machine tools, additive manufacturing, robotics, intelligent logistics, sensing and testing, and instrumentation, and develop and apply special intelligent manufacturing equipment for specific industries and specific scenarios. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of production operations, warehousing and logistics, quality control and other links, and promote the integration of industrial software and industrial control systems.
Second, we will continue to expand digital infrastructure. By the end of last year, China had built 3.38 million 5G base stations, realizing “broadband access in every village, 5G access in every county, and gigabit access in every city”, and the application of “5G+ Industrial Internet” covers 41 industrial categories. In the future, large-scale deployment of industrial Internet, 5G, gigabit optical network will be further increased, and industrial enterprises will be encouraged to transform internal and external networks. Build an integrated system of industrial basic computing resources and application capabilities, accelerate the deployment of industrial edge data centers, and promote the coordinated development of “cloud edge” computing power. Increase the supply of high-performance intelligent computing, and build intelligent computing centers in the computing power hub nodes. In particular, large enterprise groups and industrial parks are encouraged to establish industrial Internet platforms with their own characteristics.
Third, accelerate the construction of a number of smart factories. By the end of last year, China had cultivated 421 national-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, led to the construction of more than 10,000 digital workshops and smart factories, and formed a number of high-level demonstration enterprises in the petrochemical, printing and dyeing, home appliances and other industries. In the next step, we will accelerate the application of new generation information technology such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and edge computing, and deeply integrate digital technology, information technology, and intelligent technology with the manufacturing industry to form a typical scenario and drive the promotion and application of more industries. Promote equipment networking and the digital link of the whole process of production, improve the level of flexible manufacturing and intelligent management, achieve scientific production and scientific management, and create more digital workshops and smart factories. We will give full play to the exemplary role of leading enterprises in digital transformation, better lead upstream and downstream enterprises to carry out digital transformation, and enhance the resilience and competitiveness of industrial chain and supply chain.
In short, by promoting digital and intelligent equipment renewal and technological transformation, taking large-scale equipment renewal as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, enabling the acceleration of new industrialization and better promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. That’s all I’ll answer. Thank you.
Beijing Radio and Television.png
Beijing Radio and Television:
We are concerned that in order to promote the normalization of upgrading, recently, seven departments including the General Administration of Market Supervision issued a standard improvement action plan, and would like to ask what specific arrangements have been made in the plan? thank you.
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Liu Hongsheng, Director of the Department of Standards and Technology Management, General Administration of Market Regulation:
Thank you for your question. Let me brief you on this. With the consent of The State Council, seven departments such as the General Administration of Market Regulation recently jointly issued the “Action Plan for upgrading traction equipment and replacing old consumer goods with new ones by standards”, which emphasizes the adherence to standard guidance and orderly upgrading, strengthening standard comparison and optimizing system construction, and requires accelerating the revision of standards in the fields of energy saving and carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety and recycling. We will work to finalize and revise 294 key national standards this year and next, promote better coordination of policies and standards, and strongly support the upgrading of equipment and the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones. Specific work tasks include the following four aspects:
First, accelerate the upgrading of technical standards for energy consumption and emissions, revise 113 national standards, and continue to lead the updating of equipment. We will promptly draw up and revise a number of mandatory national standards for energy consumption quotas and the energy efficiency of home appliances and industrial equipment, optimize and raise standards for the discharge of air, water and other pollutants, accelerate the improvement of standards for carbon emissions accounting and the carbon footprint of products, raise standards for CNC machine tools, agricultural machinery and construction machinery, and strengthen the bottom line of standards for work safety, fire protection, and industrial product safety. The proportion of advanced production capacity continues to increase.
The second is to strengthen product quality and safety standards, formulate and revise 115 national standards, and promote the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones. Accelerate the iterative upgrading of standards for electric vehicles, intelligent connected vehicles, and automobile after-sales service, strengthen the development of standards in the fields of traditional home appliance safety, new home appliances, and home appliances suitable for aging, formulate and revise standards for smart home connectivity and household product quality classification, and tighten the formaldehyde emission standards for decorative materials such as wood-based panels. We will increase the supply of high-end electronics, civilian drones and other standards to meet the needs of the people to improve their lives.
The third is to increase the supply of recycling standards, formulate and revise 66 national standards, and effectively promote the smooth circulation of industry. Increase the supply of green design standards for home appliances, furniture, electronic products, wind power, photovoltaic, etc., introduce standards for information removal in second-hand transactions of electronic products, classification of the availability of second-hand electronic and electrical products, and valuation of second-hand cars, accelerate and improve standards for recycling, sorting, dismantling, and recycling of key products, improve standards and policies for the import of renewable resources, and help the utilization of resources form a closed loop.
The fourth is to improve the supporting measures for the implementation of standards, and work together to promote the implementation of standards. Strengthen the synergy between standards and policy measures such as fiscal support. Vigorously promote green product certification, high-end quality certification, to convey quality trust to consumers. Focusing on key consumer goods such as new energy vehicles, electronic appliances, and children’s products, defect investigations and recalls will be intensified. Establish a consumer product quality and safety supervision catalogue, strengthen quality supervision and law enforcement, strengthen the implementation and application of standards, and constantly improve product quality and safety.
That’s all. Thank you.
First Business.png
First Business Reporter:
The community is very concerned that large-scale equipment renewal and replacement of consumer goods will bring a large number of waste products and equipment obsoletization. How can we ensure that these waste materials are effectively recycled and utilized in the later stage? thank you.
Zhao Chenxin:
Thank you for your question. I will answer this question. Your question is very important and crucial. Large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones will inevitably bring about the problem of how to deal with used equipment and consumer goods. As I said in my introduction just now, the policy has put forward “four major actions”, among which the recycling action is to solve such problems. In fact, the so-called waste materials are “covered with treasure”, and effective recycling is equivalent to opening the “second mine”. As you all know, in February this year, The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a waste recycling System. In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant departments to focus on key areas and key products, conscientiously do a good job in recycling, and improve the level of recycling. You must be asking, how do you recycle? We have a few specific measures:
First, smooth recycling channels. We will speed up the development of the “replacement + recycling” logistics system and new models, and encourage e-commerce platforms and manufacturers to implement the extended producer responsibility system and collect used consumer goods at home. And will further improve the renewable resources recycling network, and strive to promote the national large and medium-sized cities throughout the year to add 2,000 standardized recycling sites, including 1,000 supply and marketing systems, and to build 200 green sorting centers, which are very specific actions.
Second, we will support the circulation and trading of second-hand commodities. We will continue to optimize the registration management of used car transactions to facilitate transactions. Promote the standardization of transactions in used electronic products. Promote second-hand commodity trading platform enterprises to establish and improve the evaluation mechanism of distribution enterprises and users within the platform, and strengthen the information sharing of credit records, illegal and dishonest behaviors.
Third, we will improve the utilization of resources. Encourage the remanufacturing of waste production equipment where conditions permit, and promote the echelon utilization of product equipment and key components in an orderly manner. Improve the utilization of waste non-ferrous metals and the extraction of rare and precious metals. We will promote the agglomeration and large-scale development of enterprises processing and utilizing renewable resources, and build a number of intensive processing industrial clusters for renewable resources such as scrap steel and waste non-ferrous metals. The output value of the resource recycling industry is expected to exceed 4 trillion yuan this year.

We have also carried out some research to smooth the recycling channels, support the circulation and trading of second-hand goods, and improve the level of resource utilization. In the next step, we will give full play to the role of the government, better mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, and work together in a market-oriented way to make the recycling chain really smooth, and jointly turn these waste materials into treasure. That’s all I’ll answer. Thank you.
The Paper.png
The Paper:
The plan proposes to increase fiscal policy support, and adhere to the joint support of central finance and local governments to exchange old consumer goods for new ones. How will we support the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones through fiscal policy? Will subsidies be introduced directly to the consumption end? thank you.
Fu Jinling:
Thank you for your question. Promoting the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones is a practical need to expand domestic demand and improve the quality of life of the people. The central government will coordinate existing policies and new policies, focus on technology, energy consumption, emissions and other standards as the driving force, adhere to the coordination between the central government and local governments, promote the use of automobiles, home appliances and other durable consumer goods for new, taking into account the characteristics of different types of consumer goods, targeted fiscal support policies. Let me introduce two aspects to you.
First, the central government will focus on supporting the promotion of vehicle trade-ins. Consumers who scrap high-emission passenger cars or qualified new energy passenger cars and purchase energy-saving or new energy vehicles will be given quota subsidies. Adhere to the linkage between the central and local governments, the subsidy funds are shared by the central and local governments in proportion, and jointly promote the exchange of old cars for new ones. At the same time, the central government arranged funds to support the start of the pilot work of filling the shortcomings of county charging and replacing facilities, filling the shortcomings of the layout of charging infrastructure in rural areas, optimizing the consumption environment of new energy vehicles, and stimulating the consumption potential of new energy vehicles in rural areas.
Second, we will encourage local governments where conditions permit to coordinate the exchange of old consumer goods such as home appliances for new ones. The central government will use funds for the development of the service industry to support the construction of pilot cities with modern commercial circulation systems, support the improvement of green recycling systems such as home appliances, smooth the consumption cycle of home appliances renewal, and help local governments coordinate the replacement of home appliances for new ones.
In the next step, the Ministry of Finance will work with relevant departments to introduce support policies in a timely manner, and guide local governments to accelerate this work to ensure that the “real money and silver” policy of benefiting the people goes directly to consumers. thank you.
Shou Xiaoli:
Two final questions.
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Southern Metropolis Daily reporter:
One of the key points of the implementation of the trade-in campaign is how to “trade in” consumer goods. What are the arrangements of the Ministry of Commerce to promote the trade-in of consumer goods? thank you.
Xu Xingfeng:
Thank you for your questions. As mentioned earlier, the trade-in of consumer goods is a matter of great concern to millions of households, so we have been paying close attention to this issue. Reporter friends have a tacit understanding between each other, the former reporter friend asked what to change, the reporter friend asked how to change, only to solve the problem of how to change, consumer goods to replace the old 2027 goal can be implemented.
In order to solve how to change, more in line with the will of the people, the Ministry of Commerce and relevant departments to carry out in-depth investigation and research. For example, to the car market research, to the mall to understand the idea of home appliance sales companies, sales, to take questionnaires to consumers, so that the policy can be more in line with the expectations of all parties, more scientific and reasonable. The general idea is to improve technology, energy consumption, emissions and other standards as traction, to policy as incentive, to smooth circulation as a drive, on the basis of fully respecting the will of consumers, gradually establish an effective mechanism of “it is easier to go to the old, and more willing to replace”. There are three specific points:
The first is to promote the car to change the “energy”. Coordinate the whole chain of automobile circulation and consumption, and introduce a package of policies. In the implementation process, domestic and foreign investment, “local and foreign” are treated equally, and the purchase of new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles can enjoy preferential treatment. The whole life cycle of a car is buying, using, selling, and finally dismantling. In the car purchase link, various departments have both financial support and financial support according to the deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council. Some time ago, the People’s Bank of China and the General Administration of Financial Supervision also issued support policies for auto loans. Insurance institutions will also further diversify their auto insurance products and services. In short, people should be able to get as much benefits as possible in the car purchase process. In the use of automobiles, the Ministry of Commerce will work with relevant departments to improve infrastructure such as charging (replacing) electricity, parking, and intelligent transportation. In terms of selling cars, in the second-hand car trading link, the Ministry of Commerce and relevant departments continue to promote the cancellation of the restriction on the relocation of second-hand cars across the country, innovatively introduce the reverse invoice policy for second-hand car trading, support the development of second-hand car information query platform, and promote the transparency of car conditions and fair car prices. Finally, it is the scrapping and dismantling link, and the door-to-door car collection service model is promoted to facilitate the owner to hand in the car.

Second, home appliances for “wisdom”. Focus on opening up the whole chain of home appliances to replace old ones, focusing on improving the convenience of urban and rural residents to replace new ones. The central finance arranges funds such as the construction of modern commercial circulation system and the construction of county commercial system to support the construction of renewable resource recycling system such as used household appliances, improve the recycling network of used household appliances, and rationally layout recycling outlets. Reverse billing policy can also be used here. Cultivate a number of typical cities and enterprises for recycling renewable resources such as waste household appliances, and play a typical leading role in the point with the surface. Encourage qualified places to give subsidies to consumers to buy green smart home appliances, and support home appliance enterprises to give preferential treatment to consumers who exchange old appliances for energy-saving home appliances. Accelerate the formulation and revision of evaluation rules and recycling norms for used household appliances. In-depth implementation of home appliance after-sales service improvement action.
Third, home improvement kitchen and bathroom “refresh”. All localities are encouraged to support the renovation of old houses, local upgrading of kitchens and bathrooms, and renovation of homes suitable for aging. Encourage model homes to enter communities, shopping malls and platforms. Expand smart home application scenarios, encourage enterprises to launch online and offline home improvement model rooms, improve smart home connectivity standards, improve the home industry credit evaluation system, and carry out “integrity home improvement into the community” activities.
According to this year’s government work report, 2024 is the “Year of consumption promotion”, and we will organize a large number of activities to promote consumption, and in accordance with the principle of “Where there are activities, there is a new exchange of old goods”, a series of local activities will be held. Recently, during the Hainan Consumer Expo, guided Hainan to hold the first local station activities, and then carried out in other cities one after another, forming a wave of publicity, so that the people know this policy and make good use of this policy. That’s all. Thank you.
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National Business Daily reporter:
Last year’s Central Economic Work Conference stressed the need to improve technology, energy consumption, emissions and other standards as the engine to promote large-scale equipment upgrading and consumer goods for new. May I ask, in the implementation of the Action Plan, what are the considerations and arrangements for the promotion of energy-efficient products and equipment? thank you.
Liu Hongsheng:
As for the content of the Action Plan on Upgrading Traction Equipment and exchanging old for new Consumer Goods with New Standards, there are four aspects, which I have introduced to members of the media just now. All parties attach great importance to mandatory national standards. In terms of setting mandatory standards for energy consumption and emissions, we will intensify our efforts. Among the 294 tasks scheduled for the revision of national standards in 2024 and 2025, there will be more than 70 mandatory national standards. These mandatory national standards will put forward mandatory requirements and make specific provisions on the technical indicators of equipment and products, energy consumption, energy efficiency, etc., and will play a better leading role in promoting the upgrading process of related equipment and products. We hope that the related actions of equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement will pay more attention to the implementation, implementation and application of these mandatory standards in the implementation process, so that such scientific and reasonable technical requirements will be truly implemented in equipment manufacturing, product production and industrial development, and the continuous improvement of standards will help achieve the work goal of normalization of replacement.
I’ll just brief you on that. Thank you.
Shou Xiaoli:
That’s all for today’s regular policy briefing. Thank you and goodbye.

