Report Certificate of Trade Company in JinChang

This document is issued by a Trade Company based in JinChang, China. The trade company specializes in exporting goods and services from various countries to the Chinese market.

The Report Certificate includes the following information:

1. Business Name: Trade Company
2. Business Address: JinChang, China
3. Trading Area: China Market (including Jinchang)
4. Products Exported: Various Goods & Services from various Countries (Jinchang included)

5. Tariffs and Payment Terms: The trade company follows the Chinese Customs Tariff System and payment terms for goods exports.

6. Certification and Authorization Procedures: The Trade Company has been certified and authorized by the relevant authorities in China to operate as a Trade Company.

In summary, this Report Certificate of Trade Company in JinChang, China provides information about the business’s name, address, trading area, products exported, tariffs and payment terms, certification and authorization procedures, and any other relevant details. This certificate is likely used by the trade company to demonstrate its ability to operate as a trade company in China.